My name is Lenz Grimmer and I am a Linux/Open Source enthusiast since 1995 when I installed my first Linux distribution (LST) as a computer science student.
Having worked in the open-source software industry for over 20 years in a variety of roles, I now consider myself a servant leader who is passionate about leading and supporting distributed software development teams. I enjoy helping them succeed by supporting their professional growth, and improving their communication and technical processes. I thrive when my team is happy, successful, and engaged.
I have experience leading and working with distributed software development teams across multiple time zones and cultures. I am a passionate proponent of remote work and asynchronous collaboration.
I live in Hamburg, Germany, and currently work for EDB from out of my home office, supporting and leading one of the engineering teams that work on the EDB Postgres Distributed database.
I joined EDB in July 2023 from Percona, where was responsible for supporting and leading the teams working on Percona’s various database products for MongoDB, MySQL and PostgreSQL, as well as the Build & Release and Documentation teams.
Prior to joining Percona in January 2021, I worked at SUSE, where I supported the team that developed the Ceph Dashboard. I was appointed to be the Component Lead for this component in the upstream Ceph project. Previously, the team has been working on openATTIC, an Open Source Monitoring and Management System for Ceph, which SUSE acquired from it-novum in November 2016. After Ceph Dashboard had reached feature parity with openATTIC, the latter project had been put into maintenance mode.
I joined it-novum GmbH as the development and product management team lead for openATTIC in July 2015.
Before, I worked at TeamDrive Systems GmbH as a Senior Product Manager from January 2014 until June 2015.
From April 2011 until December 2013, I was a member of the Oracle Linux Product Management Team at Oracle.
Prior to that role, I worked in the MySQL community relations team. Before I joined that team in December 2005, I worked there as a senior production engineer, in charge of producing the official MySQL server release builds.
Before MySQL, I was a member of the distribution development team of SuSE Linux AG in Nuernberg, Germany from April 1998 until the end of March 2002.
My professional career started in 1996, as a Linux/Unix systems administrator at Comvos GmbH in Mannheim, Germany.
My public GPG key:
GPG Fingerprint:
3D2E 9D09 8CB9 E3A6 791E 2BB3 E66F 1B6A DBDD A420
(See my Keyoxide profile for some identity claims associated with this key)
How to get in contact with me
- e-mail: lenz.grimmer@mailbox.org
- Delta Chat: lenz.grimmer+deltachat@mailbox.org
- Keybase: https://keybase.io/lenzgr
- Telegram: @LenzGr
- Jabber: lenzgr@jabber.org | lenz.grimmer@mailbox.org
- Mastodon: @lenzgr@mastodon.social
- Matrix: @lenzgr:matrix.org
- Twitter: @LenzGrimmer
- Threema: KZ7TKVEA
More about and from me at other places
- Bitbucket: https://bitbucket.org/LenzGr
- Codeberg: https://codeberg.org/LenzGr
- flickr: http://flickr.com/photos/lenzgr/
- GitHub: http://github.com/LenzGr
- Joind.in: http://joind.in/user/view/212
- Launchpad: https://launchpad.net/~lenzgr
- LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/lenzgrimmer
- OpenHub: https://www.openhub.net/accounts/Lenz
- Quora: https://www.quora.com/Lenz-Grimmer
- SlideShare: http://www.slideshare.net/LenzGr
- Speaker Deck: https://speakerdeck.com/lenzgr
- SourceForge: http://sourceforge.net/users/lenz
- Yelp: http://www.yelp.de/user_details?userid=byEM9yw99U81PC0ZCyrh6A
- YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/LenZGr
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